Welcome to our new website!

We are pleased to launch this website to provide bus drivers of Good Spirit School Division with more information about the process and benefits of unionizing your workplace with CUPE. Have a question? Check out the Frequently asked questions link on our website. Want to help out in our campaign or sign a union card? Please click on the Get in touch link.

Please visit this website regularly for new updates and share the link to this website with your co-workers.

Your rights to unionize

All employees have a legal right (under The Saskatchewan Employment Act) and a constitutional right (under The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) to join a union of their choice. It is illegal for an employer to restrain, intimidate, threaten, coerce, suspend, terminate or discriminate against an employee in response to an employee exercising their right to join a union. The Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board has broad powers to order employers to stop committing unfair labour practices, to reinstate employees unjustly dismissed and to order employers to pay lost wages and benefits.